Division of Small Business

Office of Supplier Diversity

Includes questions about OSD services.

Certification is a tool, not a guarantee. It enhances Diverse Businesses’ exposure to State and Local agencies, prime contractors, and the business community. To be successful, a company must market itself, its people, and its services, just as any good business should. Similar to any tool, certification is worthless if it is not actively used.

  • Market your business to agencies that may need what you sell.
  • Network with potential prime contractors at pre-bid or pre-proposal conferences.
  • Research contracts that have already been awarded to learn which agencies purchase what you sell, who holds the current contract, and when that contract will expire.
OSD does not provide funding or grants for Diverse Businesses.
OSD does not provide grants or funding to Diverse Businesses.
Document what happened. Who were the contacts? Then contact OSD with the documented information and we will research.

The best way to contact OSD is via Email:
Yes. However, you should also consider registering with the System for Award Management (SAM), a consolidation of Federal procurement systems, the Veterans Administration verfication program and the National Veteran Business Development Council.
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