Foreign-Trade Zones (FTZs) are secure areas located in or near U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) ports of entry, but legally considered to be outside the Customs territory for the purpose of tariff laws and CBP entry procedures.1
Foreign-Trade Zone No. 99, which is operated as a public utility under Foreign-Trade Zones Board Regulations, has offices located at Delaware Department of State, 99 Kings Highway, Dover, Delaware 19901 and the Division of Small Business in the Carvel State Office Building, 10th Floor, 820 North French Street, Wilmington, Delaware 19801. The zone has adequate electric power, water, waste disposal, communications, and access to all modes of transportation. The buildings within FTZ No. 99 are equipped to provide private lease storage, manipulation, manufacturing, and office space.
Delaware FTZ #99 site and zones that are currently designated by US Foreign Trade Zone Board and activated by Customs and Border Protection include:
The following sites/subzones within Delaware FTZ #99 have been designated by US Foreign Trade Zone Board but not yet activated by Customs and Border Protection:
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FTZ #99 Contact:
Patricia A Cannon MSM, AZS
Delaware FTZ #99 Grantee Administrator
1US Customs and Border Protection