Division of Small Business

Office of Supplier Diversity
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OSD Office of Supplier Diversity SBF Small Business Focus


ATTN: Luis MacDonald

Vehicle Leasing, Eletric Vehicle Leasing, Equipment Lease - Finance, Charging Station Supplies, Systems Integration of EUSE Installations....

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ATTN: Constance Weiss

Roofing materials supplier including: caulking and waterproofing; roofing-built up; roofing membrane; roofing metal; roofing tile, slate, shingles; roofing...

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ATTN: Rita Skinner

roofing tools and materials, solar panels, roof coating, maintenance, repairs, survey, and Tomboy Tools designed for women. DelDOT DBE certified....

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ATTN: Julie D'Agostino

Wholesaler and supplier of heavy construction highway and building materials for publicly and privately funded commercial and industrial projects including...

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