Division of Small Business

Office of Supplier Diversity
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OSD Office of Supplier Diversity SBF Small Business Focus


ATTN: Jayesh Desai

National Disaster Recovery Technical Assistance Consultants, Inc. (NDRTAC, Inc.) provides technical assistance in the form of consultant to perform Disaster...

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ATTN: Natosha Rivera

Natosha Rivera is Lifestyle Strategist helping women unapologetically redesign their lives and prioritize their health and well-being through faith, freedom,...

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ATTN: Sandhya Bayireddy

Founded in USA in 2006, Navitas Business Consulting Inc., an ISO 9001, 27001 and 20000, CMMI Level 3, EDWOSB providing superior, affordable, and innovative...

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ATTN: Deboran Akinola

Neighbor Care HCFS provides court appointed legal guardianship services, power of Attorney Services, case management, trustee, and executorship services...

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ATTN: Audrey Taylor

netlogx utilizes Lean Six Sigma principles and Project Management Institute (PMI) methodologies, to provide IT Project Management support to public and...

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ATTN: Paul Wells

At the NETWAR DEFENSE CORPORATION our primary focus is offering customer centric full-spectrum Cyberwar capabilities that provide proactive defense of...

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ATTN: Kelly Maresca

INDIVIDUAL CAREER COUNSELING & CAREER COACHING Developing Your Career PathPreparing Your Accomplishment Based ResumeCommunicating Your Accomplishments...

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ATTN: Gina Merritt

Full service real estate organization providing management and ownership of real estate development projects inclusive of all phases from design through...

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ATTN: Donna Novak

NovaRest is a womens owned small business. We specialize in cost effective acturial and management consulting, primarily for health insurance regulators....

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ATTN: Jacob Rice

Observation Point Management's mission is to guide our client to deliver distinguishable, enduring, and meaningful improvements to their organizations....

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ATTN: Kim Fisher

Planning Concepts & Solutions, LLC (PCS, LLC) is a women owned small business, established April 25, 2023, to deliver, administrative, program design and...

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